Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them. 违弃律法的,夸奖恶人;遵守律法的,却与恶人相争。
The situation in America fits into the first category. That doesn't mean all Americans keep the law. 美国的情况是属于第一种,但这并不表示所有的美国人守法。
Everyone must keep the law, with no exception. 人人都必须守法,没有例外。
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture," Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing right. Even his dissents were widely quoted, and some prompted legislative changes. 经上记着说,要爱人如己。你们若全守这至尊的律法才是好的。甚至他那些异议也被广泛引用,而且有的还促成了法律上的修改。
Paul's addition to this myth is simply that you don't need to keep the law in order to do this. 保罗赋与这个神话的是,不用遵守律法就能实现。
My son, let not these things depart from thy eyes: keep the law and counsel. 我儿,你应保持明智和慎重,不要让她们离开你的视线。
Gal.6:13 For neither do they that become circumcised keep the law themselves, but they desire you to be circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. 加六13那些受割礼的,连自己也不守律法,他们却想要你们受割礼,好在你们的肉体上夸口。
Nut happy are thoses who keep the law. 惟遵守律法的,便为有福。
I will keep the law given by God, sanctioned by man. 我将遵守上帝颁发、世人认可的法律。
Everyone must keep the law. 每团体都必需守法。
As Jews they said:'We have always had to keep the Law. 他们说:「我们身为犹太人,自古以来便谨守律法,现在仍然要继续遵守。
The idea that there were Christians who believed every Christian should keep the Jewish law. 有基督徒认为,每个基督徒都应该遵守犹太律法。
He basically says, if you're a follower of Jesus and a Gentile,; you cannot keep the Jewish law; otherwise you will fall from grace. 他只说,如果你是耶稣的追随者,而且是个外邦人,你不能遵从犹太律法;,否则你就会堕落。
Because even those who undergo circumcision do not themselves keep the law; but they would have you undergo circumcision, so that they may have glory in your flesh. 他们那些受割礼的、连自己也不守律法。他们愿意你们受割礼、不过要藉著你们的肉体夸口。
He has a much more radical teaching about the law, that the law is& Paul never says that Jewish followers of Jesus shouldn't keep the law Gentile converts to keep the law. 他对律法有更激进的教义,他认为律法是,他从来没说过,耶稣的犹太人信徒不该遵守律法,异教徒皈依者遵守这些律法。
The law& you don't need to obey it, he says, and he's against teaching his Gentile converts to keep the Jewish law, but he just says, it's not important. 他说,你不必遵守律法,他反对教外邦皈依者,遵守犹太律法,但他说,那不重要。
Jesus is not saying, okay I've come, now you don't have to keep the Jewish law. 耶稣并没有说,看,我来了,你们不用遵守犹太律法了。
Saved by grace, yes, but to maintain our spiritual life, we must keep the law. 是的,我们得救是本乎恩,但要维持属灵的生命,就必须遵守律法。
If Bastiat were alive today, he would be disappointed with our failure to keep the law within its proper domain. 要是巴斯夏今天还活着,他定会对我们失败使法律保持在恰当的范围大失所望。
Everybody must keep the law. 亽亽佺部必须守法。
That doesn't mean all Americans keep the law. 但这并不表示所有的美国人守法。
But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses. 惟有几个信徒、法利赛教门的人,起来说:「须给外邦人行割礼,吩咐他们遵守摩西的律法。
All people, whatever their rank is, should keep the law. 所有人,无论地位高低,都应该遵守法律。
Trying to keep the law, the Law of Moses, if you're a Gentile disciple of Jesus is anathema for Paul. 遵从律法,摩西律法,如果你是个外邦人的话,保罗就认为这是个诅咒。
Even if they're followers of Jesus they still keep the Jewish law; Gentiles? 即便他们是耶稣的追随者,他们也要遵守犹太律法,外邦人?
The clever dimension of ballot box voting is that I t is not only to persuade people to keep the law, but also, through this wonderful procedure, to transfer the risk of making a decision to voters themselves. 投票箱之妙不仅在于说服人们守法,而且还通过这一巧妙的程序,将决策风险转嫁给了选民本身。
During the law-abiding process, the general public should not only act lawfully and fulfill law obligations, but also should keep the law conscientiously and stand for actively their own lawful rights. 在守法环节,广大公民不仅应关注行为的合法性和履行法律义务,而且还应追求自觉的守法境界和积极主张自身的法定权利。
A country is managed through the executive administration and the modern society cannot keep the law away. 行政管理是国家对社会实行的管理,现代社会的管理离不开法制。
As an analysis and an explanation that keep the law within its bounds directly, the legal interpretation should be embody among the legal process, and should not be outside the legal process. 法律解释作为对法律所作的一种具有直接法律拘束力的分析阐明活动,应当体现在法律适用过程之中,而不应在法律适用过程之外。
To be adapted to the socialist society, religious organizations must take it as their work requirements to be patriotic, keep the law, unite and make progress, and also must make efforts to constantly improve themselves. 宗教团体要与社会主义社会相适应,必须把爱国、守法、团结、进步四个方面作为自己的工作要求,努力加强自身建设。